
7 tips to help you control oil and lose fat!

As the saying goes, seven things are important to open the door, including firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar and tea. Oil in the daily diet occupies a very important position, many people will say, “oil” meals are delicious. However, the intake of oil should also follow the principle of “moderation is good, excessive harmful”. Eating too much oil will bring health problems.

Oils, or fats, are mainly animal and vegetable oils that people consume on a daily basis. Fats are part of the lipid group, which is both an important component of our bodies and an important nutrient in our diets. Fats or oils in food not only improve the color and flavor of food, but also increase satiety. Food fats also contain various types of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat is not only a food source of such fat-soluble vitamins, but also promotes their absorption in the intestine. Fat in food also provides energy for the body and is the material from which the organism synthesizes fat. Fat is also an important constituent of the organism. Fat in the body is also the “storehouse” of energy, the body’s main storage and supply of energy. It also helps us to maintain a normal body temperature and to stabilize and protect the vital organs of the body.

Since oil is essential, you may ask, why should we reduce it? This is because although it is necessary, but the intake should also follow the principle of “moderation is good, excessive harmful”. Eating too much oil can cause health problems. When we eat too much oil, the first health problem that comes to mind is excess weight. Too much fat, especially animal fat intake will lead to obesity. Obesity, in turn, is a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia. Therefore, eating too much oil also increases the risk of these chronic diseases.

Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention warm tips: food to reduce oil these tips to help you!

1, learn to use the oil control pot to control the amount of cooking oil intake

The whole family should be consumed every day cooking oil poured into the oil-control pot with a scale, frying oil are taken from the oil-control pot, adhere to the family quantitative oil, control the total amount.

2、More cooking methods with less oil

When cooking food, choose methods that don’t use oil or a small amount of oil as much as possible, such as steaming, boiling, stewing, simmering, simmering, stir-frying, cold stir-frying, and so on. The use of frying instead of deep-frying can also reduce the intake of cooking oil.

3, eat less fried food

Do not eat fried food, or reduce the frequency of consumption, such as fried chicken legs, French fries, fried chicken wings, fried doughnut, etc.; eating out actively request restaurants to put less oil, less fried dishes.

4, less animal fat

It is recommended to reduce the amount and frequency of animal fats, or use vegetable oils instead; when using vegetable oils, it is recommended to use different kinds of oils alternately.

5、Limit the intake of trans fatty acids

Most of the trans fatty acids in the diet come from margarine, shortening, margarine and so on, hiding in our daily Western-style pastries such as cream cakes, bread, baked goods such as cookies, pancakes, deep-fried foods such as French fries, fried chicken, as well as chocolate candy, ice cream and other processed foods. It is recommended that the daily intake of trans fatty acids should not exceed 2 g. Therefore, the above foods should be eaten sparingly.

6, do not drink vegetable soup

Cooking dishes part of the oil will remain in the vegetable soup, it is recommended not to drink vegetable soup or consume soup with rice.

7, pay attention to the nutritional composition table of food

Learn to read the Nutrition Facts Table and choose foods with low fat content and no trans fatty acids when you buy foods in the supermarket. You can pay attention to the ingredient list of packaged food, if there are words such as hydrogenated oil, margarine, shortening, etc., it means that the food contains trans fatty acids.

Recommended reading: Long-term storage of food is prone to spoilage, loss of nutrients

Food in the process of transportation and storage, easy to suffer from pathogenic microorganisms, parasites and harmful toxins contamination, such as: moldy and spoiled meat, microbial infestation of “rotten eggs”, sprouted potatoes, moldy corn, etc., which are all in the improper storage conditions of the deterioration of the food. This type of food not only destroys the original nutrition, but also produces toxins that are harmful to the human body and can cause foodborne illnesses and damage human health. Therefore, purchasing ingredients according to needs and not hoarding food blindly are the basis of avoiding wastage of food resources and food nutrients.

Wei Chau, a nutritionist at the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, suggests that whether you eat out or eat at home, you should do a simple meal, divided meals, so as to avoid waste at the same time, but also can reasonably control the diet to ensure balanced nutrition. He also suggests that we try to eat at home, enjoy the fun of cooking and eating with the family, so that not only can eat fresh food, to ensure good health, but also to avoid waste, and promote harmonious family relations. Fresh food is not only about freshly picked or produced ingredients, but also about freshly cooked dishes. Cooking and eating at home, you can participate and control from the purchase of ingredients, preparation, cooking and other aspects, not only to ensure that the amount of food eaten is reasonable, but also to ensure that the variety of food and nutrition is sufficient.


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