
3 Key Points to Teach You How to Use Mouthwash

Proper use of mouthwash can freshen breath, prevent tooth decay, and treat gum inflammation. The most important thing is to choose the right mouthwash for you. Use once a day before or after brushing your teeth, or follow your dentist’s advice if you recommend using it more than once. Read the steps below to learn how to use mouthwash correctly to promote oral health.

Choose a Mouthwash

Use scented mouthwash to mask breath. If your goal is just to freshen your breath, there are plenty to choose from. This mouthwash keeps your mouth fresh for some time. Especially after eating strong-smelling foods such as garlic pasta sauce, it’s a good idea to use a scented mouthwash. It has a similar effect to eating mints after a meal.

  • But if you have chronic bad breath, scented mouthwash won’t get to the root of the problem. Although it can mask bad breath, it cannot kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. The function of fragrant mouthwash is just to keep your breath fresh for some time.
  • Add 15 drops of peppermint essential oil to a glass of water to make your fragrant mouthwash.

Use an antimicrobial mouthwash to destroy bacteria. If you want to address the root cause of your bad breath problem, you should choose an antimicrobial mouthwash, which can reduce plaque and reduce gum inflammation by killing bacteria. When buying toothpaste, look for antibacterial labels.

  • Antimicrobial toothpastes address the root cause of bad breath problems, which are often caused by bacteria.
  • You can also try an antiseptic mouthwash. It destroys bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and germs. However, antiseptic mouthwash contains a lot of alcohol, which dries out the mouth and may cause irritation.

Use fluoride mouthwash to prevent tooth decay. If your main goal is to prevent dental caries, you need to choose a fluoride mouthwash. It reduces tooth wear and hinders the formation of cavities. Many toothpastes contain fluoride, and fluoride is added to tap water in some cities. But if you want to treat dental caries, you have to use toothpaste with added fluoride.

  • Although fluoride can reduce tooth decay, some scientists point out that fluoride is toxic to the body and the environment. If you are going to use fluoride toothpaste for a long time, it is best to understand the pros and cons beforehand.

Use a prescription mouthwash for targeted treatment. If you have problems such as oral inflammation, you need to ask your dentist to prescribe a targeted mouthwash. Use as directed by your doctor. Read the instructions for dosage and side effects.

Use herbal mouthwash to avoid the colorings and chemicals found in regular toothpaste. If you are more particular and want to know what ingredients are contained in the mouthwash you use to brush your teeth every day, it is recommended that you choose a mouthwash made from natural herbs, or you can make your own. Cloves, peppermint, and rosemary are often used in herbal mouthwashes because of their antiseptic and sedative properties.

Use Effectively

Pour 20ml of mouthwash into a small cup. This amount is enough to clean your mouth once. The cap of the mouthwash bottle is also usually a measuring cup, which is used to measure the correct amount. If your mouthwash does not come with a measuring cup, you should use a small cup designed specifically for mouthwash. Some fluoride mouthwashes require only 10 ml. Read the label instructions for details.

  • With the exception of prescription mouthwash, dosage doesn’t have to be precise. Just enough to take about a mouthful without making your mouth feel uncomfortable.

Pour into the mouth. Hold the cup close to your mouth and pour the mouthwash into your mouth all at once. Close your mouth and rinse. Do not swallow mouthwash as it may contain strong chemicals that cannot be digested.

Rinse mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Refer to the instructions for use for specific times. Make sure the front and back of the mouth, molars and incisors, tongue and roof of the mouth are covered.

Spit it out. After gargling, spit the mouthwash into the sink. Rinse the sink clean.

  • Do not eat for half an hour to an hour after using mouthwash as this will enhance the effectiveness of the mouthwash. Please see the instructions for use for details.

When to Use

Before and after brushing your teeth, according to the American Dental Association, mouthwash is effective when used before or after brushing. It is important to ensure the quality of your mouthwash.

Any time you need to freshen your breath. You can carry a small bottle of mouthwash with you to freshen your breath after meals. If you have a problem with bad breath, use mouthwash to avoid having to eat mints throughout the day.

Mouthwash is not a substitute for toothpaste and floss. Mouthwash is a supplement, not a replacement. Brushing and flossing cannot be skipped. Typically brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Use mouthwash as often as you like.

For more information, talk to your dentist. If you’re hoping to use mouthwash to address gum inflammation, chronic bad breath, or cavities, you should make an appointment with your doctor to learn which mouthwash to use. Mouthwash alone cannot effectively solve the problem, so if you have oral problems, see your dentist promptly.


  • Do not rinse your mouth with tap water immediately after using mouthwash to avoid diluting the active ingredients in the mouthwash and weakening its effect.
  • Mouthwash that contains too much mint will dry out your mouth, so try not to use that one.
  • Fluoride mouthwash can effectively prevent tooth decay.


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