
Secrets to Improving Your Singing Skills: Unlock the Infinite Possibilities in Your Voice

Everyone likes to sing, some people like it when they sing, and some people scare people to death. Of course, you can learn to sing systematically to improve your level. But if you don’t want to learn systematically, then you should try to develop your style. Now let’s introduce how to improve your singing skills.

Get the Tone Right

Do basic scale exercises. Although it may sound boring, basic scale exercises will not only help you sing more accurately, but they will also train your ears. You may be familiar with the song “Doremi” from “The Sound of Silence”. This is a good song to get started with.

  • In “The Sound of Silence,” notes are named by location rather than by actual name. In other words, if you usually sing in the key of C, the first three notes are C, D, and E. If you are singing in the key of F#, the first three notes will be F#, G#, and A#. And in “Dore Mi” in “Sound of Silence”, no matter what key you sing, it always starts with “Do, Re, Mi”.
  • If you have a guitar or piano, use them to get into tune. Or you can find some software online to help you.

Take it easy and practice “do re mi” using different scales. Start in the key of C, then practice the key of C#, and slowly move up.

  • Basic scale: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
  • To make it more difficult, skip a note each time you sing.
  • Two notes up, then one note down, for example: Do Mi Re Fa Mi Sol Fa La Sol Ti La Do Ti Re-Do
  • Start slowly and carefully, and be sure to sing correctly from the beginning. This will help you better control your sound and use the instrument to check to make sure your pitch is correct.

Be Your Own Teacher

Buy a microphone. You don’t need to buy a particularly good microphone, even the built-in microphone of your laptop can be recharged. If your laptop doesn’t have a built-in microphone, just buy a cheap microphone and plug it into your computer.

Run a recording software on your computer or smartphone.

Play your favorite song and find the lyrics. Keep the lyrics in your mind by listening a lot, so that when you sing you can focus on how to sing rather than on the lyrics.

Record your singing. Just press the red record button when you’re ready.

  • Sing along with the original singer, don’t be nervous, do your best, and focus on your breathing and pitch (keep the same pitch as the original singer).
  • Even if you make a mistake, don’t stop. You must finish singing. You will have plenty of time to correct these mistakes in the future, for now, practice is the most important thing.
  • When you’re done singing, click on some black squares to stop recording.

Click the Play button (black triangle) to hear yourself singing. NOTE: If this is your first time singing, you probably won’t like it! Don’t worry – you’ll only get better with practice.

  • Listen carefully to your songs and find the flaws.
  • Listen to the original song again and compare. You can play part of the original song first and then play the part of your recording to find the differences.

If possible, save your recordings. This way you can see your progress.

Keep trying. You have to be serious every time you sing and try to be more passionate or sing with more heartfelt emotions.

  • Then you can add your own emotion to the song, it doesn’t have to be the same as the original singer. Not all singers are good singers, they are distinctive singers.

Sing for at least half an hour every day, or more—as long as you don’t get a sore throat (be careful, singing too much may damage your vocal cords). The more you practice, the faster you will improve.

Find different ways that happen. Sound from the chest, pronounce from the throat, pronounce from the nose… find the differences in the way these sounds are pronounced.

Learn to sing like a kitten and sing different pitches.

  • Sing slowly, letting the sound echo through your mouth, nose and chest

Try to sing high notes. Try speaking from the chest so that your high notes sound strong rather than at the top of your lungs.

Find some other information to help you improve. For example, you can go to Youku and watch videos teaching singing.

  • Ask your family, friends, and teachers to give you some input. Ask them honestly to get their honest opinion and thank them for their sincerity.


  • Drink water before singing. You don’t want your voice to sound dry.
  • If your family makes you laugh at your bad singing voice and it makes you frustrated…just ignore them! If you love singing, prove to them that you can do it!
  • Don’t overdo it to avoid injuring your vocal cords.
  • Everyone has something they are good at. If you love singing don’t let others dampen your enthusiasm.
  • Learn to breathe.
  • Before singing, do some warm-up of your voice to prepare your vocal cords.
  • Be patient. You won’t improve without patience.
  • If you can’t sing that high, don’t shout, as that will damage your vocal cords.
  • If you take singing classes, you will improve faster. But that doesn’t mean you can’t educate yourself.
  • Even if you don’t sing well, you will improve – it just takes some time.
  • If you want to imitate a certain singer’s voice, listen to that singer singing more and gradually develop a feel for it.
  • Don’t get too close to the microphone while singing.
  • It’s not easy to imitate the singing of an artist of a different gender than yourself, but if you must, don’t change your pitch.
  • Try to open your mouth wide when singing high notes.


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