
Warning Stroke: What It Is And Symptoms To Look For

Stroke is a leading cause of death in the United States, affecting nearly 800,000 people each year. On average, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds in the country.

These numbers are shocking and scary, especially for people with a family history of stroke or risk factors such as high blood pressure and certain heart conditions.

But you can arm yourself with the knowledge to recognize the symptoms of stroke, understand risk factors, and ultimately help yourself avoid having a stroke.

About 85% of strokes in the United States are ischemic, meaning they are caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain. About 15 percent are hemorrhagic strokes, which occur when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures.

Among stroke patients, many also experience what are called “warning strokes” days, weeks, or months before the onset of the disease.

Here’s what you need to know about warning strokes:

Warning strokes are known medically as transient ischemic attacks.

Unknown to most people outside the medical field, a warning stroke is a brief but very dangerous medical condition that may be a precursor to a full-blown stroke.

Up to 1 in 5 Stroke Warning patients may suffer a stroke within 90 days if they do not seek medical attention promptly.

So what exactly is a warning stroke? Medically known as a transient ischemic attack, it causes sudden symptoms of temporary nerve damage that clear up on their own. The symptoms may be similar to what people think of a stroke, but the only difference is that they do not cause permanent nerve damage.

In other words, transient ischemic attacks occur quickly, are short-lived, and do not cause the brain damage seen in a full stroke.

But the lack of underlying brain damage doesn’t mean you should ignore a transient ischemic attack. This is still a medical condition that needs to be taken seriously. This is really a sign for many people that even within the next 48 hours, certainly within the next 7, 30, 90 days, someone is going to have a stroke.

A transient ischemic attack is also commonly called a “mini stroke.” This problematic terminology minimizes the urgent nature of the situation. On the other hand, the term “warning stroke” emphasizes that the condition is an emergency, just like a “regular” stroke.

The signs of transient ischemic attacks and strokes are the same.

Essentially all the same signs and symptoms of a stroke are the signs and symptoms of a transient ischemic attack.

“BE FAST” is a widely accepted mnemonic device for detailing stroke symptoms.A s the abbreviation suggests, these symptoms appear quickly.

This is what it means:

  • Balance – A change in balance or loss of balance.
  • Eyesight – Changes in vision, such as blurred vision, blindness, or double vision.
  • Facial droop – drooping of the face or uneven smile.
  • Arm —Weakness of the arm on one side of the body.
  • Speech – Changes in speech, such as slurring or gibbering.
  • Time – It’s time to call emergency services. The “t” can also represent a severe headache that comes on quickly.

You may experience all of these symptoms, one of them, or a combination of both. So don’t wait for multiple flags. If you notice any of these problems, go to the emergency room.

The symptoms are fleeting.

Many people ignore the signs of a transient ischemic attack because they disappear quickly.

But it’s important to take these symptoms seriously, whether they are short-lived or not. While there are no hard and fast rules for exactly how long they last, there are general guidelines.

Typically, we have recognized that a transient ischemic attack may last up to 5 or 10 minutes, certainly less than an hour. The warning tap may only last 30 to 60 seconds.

This means you shouldn’t ignore a sore arm or blurred vision for a minute.

Although transient ischemic attacks are by definition short-lived, when a person develops symptoms, it is impossible to predict whether the symptoms will resolve in the future or whether the symptoms will persist and lead to disability.

You should call for help if you experience symptoms.

You should call emergency medical services as soon as you notice any signs rather than waiting for symptoms to go away, as they may not.

If someone has any of these symptoms and the onset is sudden, they are advised to go to the nearest emergency room.

Once you get there, you should escalate your situation and let medical staff know you think you may have had a stroke. In other words, don’t beat around the bush or ignore your symptoms. A warning stroke is an emergency and should be treated as such. Effective communication with nurses and doctors will let them know that you need treatment quickly.

Additionally, if you feel uncomfortable going to an emergency room, you should see a doctor or cardiologist as soon as possible. That doesn’t mean within a week; it does mean as soon as possible. It’s important to remember that many people who experience a transient ischemic attack will have a stroke within 48 hours, so waiting any amount of time is not ideal.

You can reduce your risk.

Conditions such as high cholesterol and uncontrolled diabetes can increase the risk of stroke.

If you have any of these conditions, be sure to talk to your doctor and make sure you are treating them effectively. This may mean making some lifestyle changes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you may need to increase your physical activity, quit smoking, change your diet, or take medications such as those for high blood pressure.

If you do find yourself experiencing any related symptoms, it is important not to ignore them.

There is an urgent need for the public to understand the signs and symptoms of stroke and what to do about it. Unfortunately, many people wait too long to seek treatment for stroke and stroke warnings.

Strokes are common in the United States, so if you or a loved one suffers from a transient ischemic attack, it is important to know the symptoms and notify a medical professional immediately.


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