
Listen to Your Inner Singing: The Journey to Discover Your Own Singing Voice

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a great singer? You may have a beautiful voice just waiting to be heard – you just need to discover it. The secret to becoming a great singer is to discover your vocal range and then practice it extensively using appropriate techniques. Let’s start!

Know Your Voice

Find your vocal range. Measure the octaves of notes you can sing, from the lowest note to the highest note. By practicing your voice, you can find your vocal range, starting from the lowest note you can sing clearly and singing continuously until you can’t sing a higher note accurately. There are seven main voice types: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, falsetto, tenor, baritone, and bass.

  • Start with the big C group and sing the major scale to warm up. Sing C-D-E-F-G-F-E-D-C, then start a new range by raising or lowering one syllable at a time.
  • Which scales do you sing most clearly? Which pitch is the hardest note for you to sing? Take note of the notes you can’t sing well to determine what type of voice you have.
  • Some apps, like SingScope, can help you determine your vocal range by identifying the highest and lowest treble notes you sing.

Find your vocal range. Your vocal range is the interval composition that you feel most comfortable singing. When singing these pitches, your voice sounds the most natural. The vocal range you can sing should be beyond your vocal range. You may be able to sing high or low notes, but you can only sing a certain range of notes easily and loudly. Finding these notes can help you discover your best singing voice.

  • What songs do you usually like to sing? If you like singing songs, it’s probably because you feel you can sing them well. You have to pay attention to these notes.
  • With practice, you may be able to expand the range of your vocal range in which you can sing loudly.

Decide when to use chest voice and when to use head voice. Chest voice is used when speaking and singing bass. When singing high notes, you will use your head voice, which can be either ethereal or full.

  • A hybrid is a mix of the two, a technique often used by pop singers like Ariana Grande and Beyoncé.

Learn to use correct singing techniques. If you’ve never used the correct technique, you may not even know your true voice. Using the right techniques can help your voice sound clear and loud. Keep these points in mind when practicing:

  • Have good posture. Stand up straight so you can breathe easily. The neck should be straight and relaxed.
  • Be sure to breathe through your diaphragm. The abdomen expands when you inhale and tightens when you exhale. This will allow you to sing in tune.
  • When singing, open the back of your throat and sing the vowels clearly.

Practice Singing

Warm up first. You’ll want to take some time to “warm up” your vocal cords and muscles so they don’t stiffen. Sing the bass first for 10-15 minutes. When you feel that your vocal cords are ready to start singing, you can start singing the etude.

  • You can also use lip vibrato to raise your voice to achieve a “hot vocal” effect. This helps you regulate your breathing and keeps your vocal cords relaxed.

Choose the right song. Choose songs that suit your vocal range and that you can sing with ease, so you can maximize your singing ability and discover that great singing voice you’ve always had undiscovered.

  • Sing along with the recording of the songs you have chosen until you feel you can sing them well.
  • Do not practice singing with the aid of recordings of songs. You can use instrumental accompaniment but don’t rely on the original song.
  • Try songs from different genres. You might enjoy hip-hop best, but you might find that you’re better at singing jazz or country songs. Try songs from all genres.
  • If you like a song but can’t hit the high notes, use an app like AnyTune to lower the pitch while maintaining the rhythm. Alternatively, use this app to slow down the pace while learning a more difficult passage.

Record yourself singing. After you’ve warmed up and practiced your voice, use a tape recorder or other recording device to record yourself singing. Record the areas where you still need to work on improving and the areas where you sang well.

Perform in front of others. Sometimes we can’t make progress without feedback from others. Sing to your family and friends and ask them how they feel about your singing.

  • Remember to warm up before performing.
  • Sing in a large, empty room with a high ceiling; your voice will sound better than in a carpeted room with a low ceiling.
  • After you get feedback, keep it in mind the next time you practice singing.
  • Karaoke rooms are a great place to practice singing in front of others.

Beautify Your Voice

Find your own unique personal style. What makes your voice unique? Once you understand the range of your vocal range, you can experiment with songs from different genres and bring out your best voice.

  • Maybe you have a voice suitable for opera; practice classical songs.
  • Maybe you have a country music twang. Let’s sing!
  • Even shouts and whispers have a place in rock music. There are no limits.

Join a band or choir. Singing with other musical talents can make your performance more creative. Join a choir or music club at church or school, or form a band with friends and serve as the lead singer. Whenever you want to perform, you can attend concerts or busk in the subway.

Consider taking voice lessons. If you really want to develop your singing voice, you can choose to receive training from a professional music teacher. A voice teacher can teach you to use your voice like an instrument. You may find that your vocal range is wider than you originally thought, and your voice teacher can help you discover what types of songs you are suited to.

  • Ask friends for advice, or search online for local voice teachers. Find a voice teacher to teach you how to sing in a genre of music that interests you. Contact several teachers and finally choose the most suitable one.


  • Always start with simple songs first and then move on to more difficult songs.
  • It’s hard to sing well, and some people get annoyed because they don’t practice well. But you have to keep practicing so that you can sing more and more beautifully.
  • Try singing songs from different genres, such as jazz or hip-hop, to see which style you prefer.
  • Try not to drink drinks such as milk and orange juice because the mucus they produce can coat your throat.
  • Don’t expect to become fat in one bite. If you want to achieve results, you have to spend time and energy!
  • Think carefully about the meaning of what you are singing and try to capture the true emotion of the song you are singing.
  • Try singing while playing the piano so you can hit the notes.
  • Drink room-temperature water. Drinking very hot or very cold water is bad for your vocal cords and can make it difficult to sing well. During practice, you should occasionally drink room-temperature water to moisten your throat.


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