Month: March 2024

3 Tips to Help You Regulate Your Mood and Overcome Stress-Related Insomnia

Modern people often suffer from insomnia. Many people attribute the cause of insomnia to daily routines such as excessive caffeine intake or using mobile phones for too long before going to bed. However, they ignore that psychological factors may be…

Does Mouth Taping Really Work? And Is It Safe?

From rotting beds to drinking lettuce water to help you relax, many sleep-related trends have gone viral on TikTok. But one particularly fascinating method, which has been going on for more than a year now, is lip-sticking. Mouth tape has…

Salmon Is Good for Your Health

Salmon is known to be good for your health. “Fish is one of the few animal foods that is consistently associated with health benefits, and when I recommend fish to people, salmon is at the top of the list,” said…

Can Learning a New Language Prevent Dementia?

Research shows that speaking two languages can delay the onset of the disease by up to five years. Attracted by this potential benefit, many people, like my father, try to learn a new language as adults. According to a survey…

How to Take Care of Yourself on the Night Shift

Working the night shift comes with inherent challenges when it comes to feeling your best. First, consider sleep.When we sleep during the day, it disrupts our body’s natural sleep patterns. Anyone who works late into the night knows that suppressing…

7 Tips To Help You Reduce The Damage Caused By Smog To Your Body

In severe haze weather conditions, the first principle to reduce injuries is to avoid going out. If you have to go out, you must take personal protection. During continuous haze days, it is also necessary to choose the appropriate time…

Don’t Want To Be Defeated By Viruses: 5 Self-Checks For Disease Resistance

At the end of last year, under the attack of various viruses, many people failed to hold the line of defense. After struggling for some time in a state that seemed to be sick but not sick, they eventually fell…

5 Foods That Are No Good For Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a common problem throughout the United States. Two in five U.S. adults have the disease, which puts them at increased risk for stroke and heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cholesterol is…

5 Small Ways to Reset During a Stressful Day

In our fast-paced, time-crunched days, it’s hard not to slip into anxiety, whether it’s because of work deadlines, financial concerns, or feeling like we don’t have enough time with our family. Even during the holidays, we don’t seem to be…

Anant State University College Of Design Building Renovation

Located at Anant State University, the project was built 4 years ago and is currently used by 700 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of architecture, planning, and design. During the master planning process for the new Anant State…