
Is It True That High Myopia Is Hereditary?

Because of high myopia, by the object of the parents advised to break up?

Myopia more than 600 degrees, a blind date was PASSED? “Parents highly myopic 1 year old baby myopia 600 degrees!” A while ago the hot search and let highly myopic friends were poked and prodded.

“I heard that myopia is hereditary, so I need to find a non-myopic significant other?” “Myopia is only hereditary if it is highly myopic, and myopia that develops later in life is not hereditary?”

Myopia is becoming more and more common and at a younger age. Is it really because of generational heredity that makes myopia ‘roll’ like a snowball? Or is it the influence of environmental factors that gives myopia nowhere to go?

Myopia is not directly inherited

But it will increase the likelihood of myopia

Myopia is divided into simple myopia, which is also called acquired myopia, and pathologic myopia, which is high myopia with significant fundus degeneration and other complications.

Among the more prevalent forms of myopia, simple myopia is more common, also known as acquired myopia, and is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Unlike pathologic myopia, acquired myopia is inherited in a polygenic manner, with genetic influences being exerted when predisposing genes are superimposed on each other.

Pathological myopia is highly genetically related and is predominantly monogenic. That is to say, of the multiple predisposing genes, any one of them that is inherited will cause pathologic myopia.

If there must be a conclusion, what is directly inherited to the child may not be the myopia itself, but the constitution that is more prone to myopia.

In addition to genetic factors

Environment and habits can also cause myopia

In daily life, in addition to genetic factors, the environment is the most capable of causing myopia, including prolonged close eye use, little time for outdoor activities, and insufficient light conditions.

Under the same living environment and study intensity, those with high genetic risk may be more prone to myopia. However, this also does not mean that if parents are highly myopic, their children will necessarily be highly myopic, let alone if parents are not myopic, their children will not be highly myopic. Without genetic factors, environmental factors may also contribute to myopia.

Improperly fitted eyeglasses

May lead to high myopia

The problem of improperly corrected eyeglass prescription is very common in daily life, which can also easily lead to high myopia.

Myopia that is not corrected scientifically, such as wearing glasses of the wrong prescription (low or high is not scientific).

Failure to wear eyeglasses in time (some people mistakenly believe that the later you wear eyeglasses, the better).

These situations will lead to eye fatigue, eye muscles in the wrong state of regulation for a long time, in the long run, myopia grows, which is more likely to break through the 600-degree “red line” and develop into high myopia.

Heredity can’t be changed

Prevention and control of myopia is more critical

Myopia is irreversible but controllable, and the use of effective controls can prevent the emergence of high myopia. People with family history of high myopia and genetic risk should undergo genetic screening at an early stage to assess the risk of high myopia, so that timely detection, prevention and control can be carried out to avoid the development of high myopia.

Clinical studies have shown that keratoplasty lenses, multifocal soft corneal contact lenses, myopia prevention and control related frames and low concentration atropine have some myopia control effects and can successfully play a role in delaying myopia progression.

1 Develop good eye habits; you can use the “20-20-20” method of eye protection, that is, 20 minutes of close-up eye use, look away from 20 feet (6 meters) at least 20 seconds.

2 Participate in outdoor activities, try to ensure that 1-2 hours a day, “eye” bath sunshine.

3 Young children’s eyes are not yet fully developed, it is not recommended that they have early access to electronic products.

4 It is recommended to go to a regular ophthalmology institution every six months for an eye health checkup.

5 If your child has been diagnosed with myopia, please choose the appropriate vision correction program according to professional advice.


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