
Creating Art on Stone: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to preserve the stones you brought back from your travels in an interesting way? Try drawing on rocks. You can think of it as a hobby, fun and creative. You don’t have to be a painter or have any training to enjoy painting on rocks. Find a rock, draw a pattern you like, and color it – it’s that simple.

Choose a Stone and Get it Clean

If you are looking for stones in the river, you will definitely look for them on the river bed. Stones of similar appearance can also be found along streams, lakes, and seashores. You can take home whatever you like, but smooth stones are ideal. After being washed by the water every day, the stones in the river have been polished smooth and round, making them perfect for painting.

  • In the United States, rocks from state or national parks cannot be taken away.
  • Be sure to pay attention to safety when looking for rocks. Don’t get too close to the water unless you have someone to help you or you are confident enough to keep yourself safe.

Clean the stone. In addition to washing the dirt off the stone, you’ll also want to check for cracks and peeling areas. When cleaning, first soak the stone in warm soapy water, brush it clean with a toothbrush, then rinse off the soapy water and dry it with a towel.

  • You can use 100-, 150-, and 220-grit sandpaper to remove stubborn dirt.

Place the stone on the table. Clear an area for painting. You can choose where to draw, but there’s plenty of space on a table, so it’s most suitable. Don’t forget to put a layer of newspaper or kitchen towel on the table to prevent paint from staining the table.

Drawing on Stone

Choose a pattern. Choose any pattern you like. You can draw an animal on the entire stone, such as a kitten, puppy, fish, or owl; you can also draw a mini landscape on it, such as a house or a bird resting on a branch. If the stone is big enough, you can also write some inspiring words on it, such as “hope” and “struggle”.

  • Draw a green-faced, fanged monster on a rock and place it outside the house on Halloween.
  • Painting on rocks is a fun activity for kids of all ages and even adults, and allows kids to make great gifts with their hands. Try leaving some pattern or message on the stone that you think is meaningful.

Once the stone is clean, you can trace patterns on it with a pencil. If you’re not sure and don’t want to start drawing on the stone, you can also sketch it on paper first. Sketching can increase the accuracy of coloring.

  • The H-type pencil has light ink and clean lines, so it is most suitable for sketching.
  • Be gentle when writing. If the pencil mark is too dark, the light pigment will show through later, affecting the appearance.

Use tubes of acrylic paint, such as Liquitex. The outdoor acrylic paints produced by the American company Plaid are also good. Outdoor-specific acrylic paint works best because it can effectively cover materials with holes in the surface, such as stone, and can withstand the sun and rain. If you plan to place the painted rocks indoors, just use regular acrylic paint.

  • If the paint packaging has a birdhouse image printed on it, it means that the paint can be used safely outdoors.
  • Be sure to have a palette ready for easy mixing of paints. If you don’t have one, use old plates, wax paper, or foil wrapped around cardboard instead.

Use a cheap paintbrush. Stones can wear down the bristles when applying color, and those that are harder are more damaging to the bristles. You can buy cheap pen sets in stationery stores in various sizes from large to small. If you need to paint a large area, use a larger brush; if you need to outline details, use a smaller brush.

  • If you want to use a specific type of brush, consider medium-hard brushes designed for acrylic paints.

Paint the larger areas first. A common mistake when painting is to paint the small areas first. When it’s your turn to paint a large area, you have to bypass the small areas. So, start with the big things first, like the background color. Once you’re done, wait for the paint to dry before painting next to or over the areas you’ve already painted. You can paint just one side or both sides.

  • If you plan to paint both sides of the stone, it will take at least a few hours or a day for the paint to dry. After this, you can move on to the other side.

Paint a small area. This step includes painting layers of color, adding texture, and painting details. You can also use permanent markers to color smaller areas. Also, check your work for minor errors.

  • Wait for the paint to dry before adding other colors. If you use a dark color as a base, the color added above cannot be a dark color; if the base color is light, the color covering it cannot be light. When adding layers of color, there should be a sharp contrast between the colors, otherwise, the colors will blend.
  • Tear off a small piece of a cleaning sponge, dip it in paint, and rub it gently on the stone to create the texture of leaves.
  • Use a solid color to cover the wrong areas. If one layer is not enough, apply a few more layers until it is no longer visible. You can also change the wrong places into other things, for example, the birds in the sky can be changed into clouds.

Final Work

Let the stone dry. Place the painted stone in a safe place and do not touch or move it until it dries. It may take anywhere from a few hours to a day for the paint to dry completely. If you think you’re almost done, check carefully to make sure the stone is completely dry.

Sign and date. As a souvenir, sign your name and date on the stone. For children, this is particularly meaningful. It is recommended to sign with a permanent marker, as this pen not only writes on stone, but the writing is indelible.

Spray on varnish. At least one day after the work is completed, spray the stone with a clear polyurethane topcoat to prevent the paint from cracking and peeling. To avoid inhaling paint mist, it is best to spray paint outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

  • This step should be done by an adult. Older children can also operate it by themselves under the guidance of adults.

Painted stones can be used both for viewing and for practical purposes. For example, place rocks on a tray or by a window, or use them as paperweights. If the stone is large enough, it works well as a stepping stone in the garden. You can even give it as a gift to a friend.


  • Used paintbrushes need to be washed well in soapy water. Rinse the pen and place it on a damp sponge or small towel to dry. Don’t put the brush in water when painting, as this will damage the tip.
  • You can search for stone paintings online to find inspiration, or choose stones that look similar to other things, such as flowers, birds, insects, and fish.
  • Some places have strict laws against damaging nature. In addition, partial or complete destruction of the ecosystem is disrespectful to nature. Therefore, when looking for stones, you must not cause harm to other animals and plants.
  • Some paints may not be suitable for young children. When purchasing, pay attention to whether there are healthy and non-toxic signs on the packaging.


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