
Don’t Joke About Depression. It’s a Disease. It Needs to Be Cured.

When it comes to depression, many people’s minds will conjure up scenes of low mood and lack of energy to do anything. However, depression causes more than these illnesses, and may also produce physical symptoms such as decreased libido; slow thinking; fatigue, palpitations, chest tightness, gastrointestinal discomfort, constipation, and so on. Depression also affects a person’s sleep, and in severe cases, it can lead to intense anhedonia and even suicide.

According to statistics, there are 400 million people suffering from depression in the world. In China, 1 million people commit suicide every year due to depression.

Depression is an illness, also known as depressive disorder, characterized by a depressed state of mind and needs to be taken seriously. Each episode usually lasts for more than two weeks or up to several years, and most will recur.

As soon as the public began to “autism”, …… These are the netizen self-deprecating words, but also the true portrayal of the depressed.

Cell phone addiction, social fear and other detached from the social “modern disease”, easy to trigger depression. When the degree of addiction and fear are very strong, individuals are very prone to depression.

Of course, this is not the only causative factor. Studies have found that genetics is one of the causes of depression, and people with a family history of depression are more likely to develop the disease and need to pay extra attention to it.

Secondly, depression is unevenly distributed in terms of gender. This is related to the influence of sex hormones, and the ratio of adult female to male depressive disorders is about 2:1.

In addition, people who have been physically or mentally treated poorly as children increase the chances of developing depressive disorders in adulthood. In adulthood, the risk of depression is also exacerbated by prolonged exposure to poor marital and property situations.

Finally, there are personality factors. People who have obsessive-compulsive disorder and are prone to anxiety and impulsivity are more prone to depressive disorders. Too much pursuit of perfection and difficulty in tolerating one’s own inadequacies will all feel psychological torment, and in the long run, they will be prone to depressive tendencies.

Depression often does not have obvious pathological features in the early stages. Patients often go to various outpatient clinics for treatment because of physical discomfort or illness, without realizing that these discomforts and illnesses are brought about by depression. What’s more, there is “smile depression”, some people have to keep smiling during the day because of their work, but it is not the real expression of their emotions, but a kind of “burden”. Behind the mask of the smile is deep despair.

There are monophasic and biphasic depressions. Monophasic depression is a case of simple depressive episodes from the absence of manic episodes, which may be a single episode or multiple relapses. Bipolar depression, on the other hand, is characterized by alternating mania and depression, as if going back and forth between peaks and valleys. As you can see, the treatment of depression needs to be differentiated and “right-sized”.

People with depression are prone to shy away from seeking treatment because they are shy or feel disgraced, but people suffering from depression who want to overcome it purely by will often can’t carry it off. At present, depression has a proven treatment method, adhere to the systematic treatment, at least 85% of people can be cured.

Carrying it hard will delay diagnosis and treatment, which is very unfavorable to the disease. If you notice that you have symptoms of depression, contact your doctor in time to find a treatment plan before it’s too late.


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