
Caution! “Invisible Killer” – Hyperlipidemia Don’t Take It Seriously

After getting the physical examination report, what are you most likely to overlook? If the tip of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, most people will be more nervous, will be timely specialist consultation. If the display of high blood fat, fatty liver, many friends will laugh it off, but also boasted that it is not common, because the standard of living is better, more socializing, we are more or less a little high, nothing to care about. This you can be very wrong, hyperlipidemia is not as good as you think. Compared to hypertension and diabetes, hyperlipidemia has no obvious symptoms, and because monitoring blood lipids is not as convenient as measuring blood pressure and blood sugar, it is often overlooked. In fact, it can lead to peripheral atherosclerotic disease, is the health of the “invisible killer”, so how to regulate blood lipids, and wait for me to tell you.

1 A reasonable diet

After entering the fall and winter, with the lowering of temperatures, the human body needs to consume a large amount of fat, protein to maintain energy supply, coupled with the national people have been “stick autumn fat” habit, many people have begun to fall and winter tonic. But autumn and winter is the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia patients should be careful to supplement, in order to meet the daily nutritional needs of essential control of the total energy on the basis of a reasonable choice of various types of nutrients constitutes the proportion of the desirable “clear, flat complement”, should not be “warm, too much complement”. To summarize the diet to “a high five low”: high dietary fiber; low calorie, low cholesterol, low fat, low salt, low sugar. “Far from three white near three black”: away from white salt, white sugar, white fat meat; eat more black fungus (fungus and algae), black rice (grains), black beans (beans).

2 Scientific exercise

Scientific exercise can effectively reduce fat and control body weight, and the guidelines recommend regular moderate-intensity metabolic exercise. The amount and form of exercise can be determined according to individual physical conditions and preferences, pay attention to the amount of energy, step by step. Aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and square dancing can be chosen, generally 5-7 times per week, each time for 30 minutes or more. For working people, may not be able to guarantee the amount of exercise every day, that can avoid sedentary is also excellent.

3 Psychological adjustment

Due to the fast pace of modern life, the serious phenomenon of involution, some companies introduced 996, 007 work mode, resulting in young people psychological pressure, mental tension, and then derived from the “fast food, night meal, revenge eating culture”, resulting in hyperlipidemia patients are increasingly under age. It is recommended that young people learn to self-regulate, find a suitable way of leisure, combine work and leisure, maintain a good state of mind and reduce psychological pressure.

4 Healthy life

It is too difficult to quit smoking, I can’t do it. This group of people can temporarily use nicotine replacement therapy to transition and gradually quit smoking. Restriction of alcohol consumption, for those who have a long-term excessive drinking habit should reduce the amount of alcohol, and choose low-grade alcohol. At the beginning of the article we said, the reason why hyperlipidemia is known as “health killer” is that it can lead to peripheral atherosclerotic disease, in short, that is, your physical examination report shows: carotid atherosclerosis plaque formation, coronary atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic plaque formation of the vasculature, local stenosis, etc. How many percent of these plaques fall off? If these plaques fall off, it is dangerous and may lead to myocardial infarction and stroke. So it is very important to stabilize plaque, in addition to the application of drugs to stabilize plaque lipid regulation, but also pay attention to keep the bowel clear, avoid defecation, because defecation is, abdominal pressure increases, blood pressure increases, vascular constriction, plaque is easy to fall off.

Having said that, you should understand that hyperlipidemia is preventable and controllable, so what are you waiting for, take action!


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