
Your Face Is like a Color Palette, So Don’t Ignore the Health Signals Your Body Is Sending You!

In traditional Peking Opera, different characters are distinguished by the color of their faces, for example, Guan Gong is red-faced, Zhang Fei is black-faced, and Dolton is blue-faced ……

Even a first-time theatergoer can tell whether a character is good or bad by the color of his or her face.

In real life, people’s faces can change in various ways: red face, green face, white face, dark face, purple face ….. And what are the reasons for these?

Different faces, representing different meanings, behind the body may also be a red light warning! Without further ado, today with the small editor to see those hidden in the “face” in the small secret it ~!

1 Redness of the face

Normal people’s healthy face is red and shiny, we often say that the reddish color is due to the human sympathetic nerve excitement in specific situations, norepinephrine and other catecholamines increased secretion, which leads to a person’s heartbeat accelerated, due to the expansion of capillaries.

There may be physiological as well as pathological reasons for a person’s flushed face.

Physiological reasons, such as the natural thin skin of the person is easy to redden, long time exposure to the sun leads to redness, redness after exercise, alcohol, emotional excitement and so on make the face reddened, here most of the reasons through appropriate rest and adjustment, can be restored.

As for the pathologic causes, you have to be alert to the reddening of the face due to diseases. For example, high blood pressure, heart disease, fever, allergies, hyperthyroidism and so on. In the course of the disease caused the head and face blood vessel dilation, congestion, and then lead to the red face.

If the two sides of the zygomatic bone part of the abnormal dark red, more alert to the possibility of rheumatic heart disease.

2 Pale

The color of a person’s blood determines the skin color to a great extent. Some people have fair, white skin which is a sign of good health, while others have low melanin content in their skin and their complexion will be pale.

A short period of paleness is usually seen when we are in a dangerous or stressful situation, where the body’s sympathetic nerves are excited, blood vessels are constricted, heart rate and blood pressure are lowered, and the cardiac output is insufficient, causing paleness of the face.

However, if you look pale and bloodless for a long time, it is usually a sign of insufficient qi and blood and weakness.

Insufficient qi and blood, anemia or shock state, the blood hemoglobin in the blood is reduced, the blood supply to the skin is reduced, making the face pale. This phenomenon is especially likely to occur during clinical surgery.

There is another kind of whitening that is caused by a decrease in melanin **** function, such as albinism or vitiligo from birth.

Vitiligo is a common pigmented skin disease, mainly characterized by local or generalized pigment loss, the formation of white patches, the cause of the disease is unknown, there are more factors, such as genetic factors; psychiatric factors; chemical factors; infectious factors; traumatic factors, etc., and there is no cure.

3 Yellowish face

For yellow people, most people’s face is more or less yellowish, and the obvious “yellowish face”, there are the following reasons:

Eating too many yellow fruits and vegetables and medications within a short period of time.

Disease or malnutrition

The first situation, representative of common yellow foods such as oranges, carrots, common drugs such as lisinopril, furans and other drugs, they are rich in carotene. Carotene is orange, a short period of time a large number of intake, the body can not be completely metabolized, it will gather deposits, which in turn leads to yellowish color.

The second cause of “yellowish color” is mainly related to abnormal liver function and abnormal bilirubin metabolism, and the common disease is jaundice.

Jaundice, commonly known as yellow disease, is a kind of liver and gallbladder disease. Due to impaired liver and gallbladder function, bilirubin metabolism is impaired in the body, and when bilirubin in the serum is higher than 2-3mg/dL (34-51umol/L), yellowing of the corresponding parts of the body will be recognizable to the naked eye, such as resulting in the yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and the sclera (the area of the white eyeballs).

Many newborns are also prone to yellowing of the skin color within the first week of life, medically known as neonatal jaundice.

4 Darkening of the face

Generally speaking, when it comes to “darkening of the face”, excluding a short period of exposure to the sun to become black, mainly with the body’s metabolic abnormalities caused by hormonal abnormalities, melanin precipitation.

For example, in “acanthosis nigricans”, the affected area of the patient’s skin appears gray-brown or black, with thickened and rough cortex, which is caused by long-term androgen level abnormality and blood sugar abnormality;

There are also patients with impaired liver function who often look black, which is caused by impaired liver function, metabolic disorders, and the deposition of bilirubin and other colored substances.

The two Wuhan doctors who were on the hot seat in the early stages of the epidemic had blackened faces after recovering from infection with the new crown, also because of the large amount of some kind of medication they received in the early stages, coupled with their own endocrine dysfunction, which led to abnormal hormone levels and melanin deposition.

5 Turn purple

This type of blush presents itself in different colors depending on the person’s skin color and degree, mainly due to lack of oxygen;

For example, asphyxia or poisoning causes respiratory depression, the body is deprived of oxygen, and the excess of purple-blue deoxygenated hemoglobin causes the “purple” color change.

Or some heart, lung disease, such as congenital heart disease, pulmonary artery blockage, pulmonary hypertension, etc., resulting in cardiopulmonary insufficiency, blood oxygen saturation decreased, resulting in purple face.

6 Green face

Turning green is usually associated with cold and abnormal liver function.

Cold weather, stagnation of qi and blood, it is easy to appear what we often say “frozen face green”;

And if the face turns green for a long time, it is very likely that there is a problem with the liver. Often stay up late, excessive drinking, etc. are easy to hurt the liver, and the decline in liver function leads to a greenish, dark color.

After reading these kinds of “face change” knowledge, is not a kind of clear feeling? It turns out that there is so much to learn about the color of the face in the beginning.

Next time you meet with your friends and family, you can also help them to pay attention to the changes in the color of their faces.

All in all, no matter if your face turns white, black or yellow, if there is a major change and it does not return to normal for a period of time, remember to consult a doctor in time! This may be a key sign of physical abnormality.


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