
By the Age of 60, Some Indicators of Abnormality May Not Be a Disease, Just Old Age

We should take care of our health and prevent disease, but not over-treat and learn to accept our aging.

I. Accepting your aging

Everyone gets older, and as we age, the functions of our body organs gradually deteriorate. However, there will be no obvious feeling in youth and middle age, and generally speaking, most people have to be 55 to 65 years old before it will be obvious that they will not be able to do a lot of things.

This stage is the transition from middle age to old age, the body’s circulation, nerves, digestion, exercise and many other system functions will appear obvious decline, the body function abnormally. Many people can’t accept the reality and will seek medical treatment to find a “cure”.

But in fact, this is not a disease, it is just old age. Medicine can only cure the disease, but can not cure the old, we have to accept their own aging.

II. Chronic diseases that can be controlled do not count as illnesses

As we age, the elasticity of our blood vessels diminishes and blood pressure rises. But let’s understand one thing, high blood pressure does not kill a person immediately. It is only long-term uncontrolled high blood pressure that leads to life-threatening conditions such as cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, cardiac senility and kidney failure.

These diseases can be prevented with timely medication to control blood pressure. By the same token, when aging causes low metabolic function and high blood lipids and high blood sugar, serious complications will not occur as long as medication is taken in time to control them.

Therefore, for the elderly, the “three high” chronic diseases are not really diseases, as long as they are well controlled, they are healthy people, and will not affect the quality of life.

III. Prevention of common diseases

1、Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the number one cause of death among the elderly, but it is not difficult to prevent them. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, control salt intake between 3 and 6 grams per day, do not have a high-fat or high-sugar diet, eat more vegetables, do not smoke or drink, maintain regular exercise and keep your emotions stable.

If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and other “three highs”, you need to use drugs under the guidance of a doctor to control the corresponding indicators. Keep your blood pressure below 140/90mmHg; keep your glycated haemoglobin below 6.5%; and keep your LDL cholesterol below 2.6mmol/L.

2、Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: the elderly neurological activity decreases, the symptoms of memory loss is a normal phenomenon, do not worry too much, but beware of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s mechanism is not yet completely clear, may be related to disease, environment, psychology, poisoning and other factors, pay attention to their own intellectual training and emotional conditioning, can prevent its occurrence.

It is recommended that people over 60 years of age, participate in more social activities, such as volunteers, community service, elderly college, etc., do not get out of touch with the community, to communicate with more people, to cultivate their own hobbies, which can stimulate the vitality of the brain cells, slowing down the rate of brain aging.

3、Prevention of osteoporosis: people over 60 years of age may experience symptoms of generalised bone pain, stooping and hunching, a large part of which is caused by osteoporosis. This is because aging will lead to reduced calcium absorption, increased bone calcium loss, especially after menopause women, the possibility of osteoporosis.

In terms of diet, you need to choose more dairy products, soy products and other foods with high calcium content, drink less carbonated beverages, usually more outdoor activities, more sunshine, in the sunshine irradiation of the human skin can be synthesised to promote the absorption of calcium vitamin D. Calcium deficiency symptoms are obvious people, need to use calcium supplements under the guidance of the doctor, as well as inhibit the loss of bone calcium medication.

4、To prevent constipation: although constipation is not a very serious disease, but the impact on life is very big. And in hard defecation, abdominal pressure, chest pressure will rise, may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. 60 years of age or older, digestive function deteriorates, gastrointestinal peristalsis becomes weaker, there may be anorectal problems, pay attention to the prevention of constipation.

Maintaining regular exercise can improve physical fitness and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis; maintaining a daily water intake of more than 2,000 ml to avoid dry stools; replacing part of the staple food with coarse grains and eating more vegetables and fruits to ensure dietary fibre intake; and developing the habit of having regular bowel movements every day can prevent constipation.

To summarise, ageing is a natural law that everyone cannot avoid, and after the age of 60, most people will experience a significant decline in their bodily functions, and certain indicators may not be normal. But as long as they can be controlled normally with medication, they are not really diseases. We have to accept our aging, through a healthy lifestyle and the help of drugs, as can get a healthy and happy life.


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