Year: 2024

Vitamin K, Which Not Only Stops Bleeding and Assists in Calcium Supplementation, But Also Inhibits Vascular Calcification

Vitamin K was first discovered by humans in 1934 and is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K activates clotting factors in the body, so when vitamin K is deficient, it can lead to bleeding disorders, which is why it has been…

Woman’s Long-Term Oral Contraceptive Pill Causes Lung Infarction? The Truth About Birth Control Pills You Must Know

Zhejiang a girl because of irregular menstruation, heard that oral contraceptive pills have the effect of regulating menstruation, began to take oral contraceptive pills, the result is surprisingly led to lung infarction. What? Birth control pills regulate menstruation? Can long-term…

Break through the Victim Mentality and Take Control of Life

In life, many people will unconsciously fall into a victim mentality. The so-called victim mentality refers to a negative psychological state in which a person always blames the external environment or others when facing difficulties and challenges and believes that…

Exploring New Perspectives in Understanding Anxiety: The Anxious Mind and Brain

Anxiety disorders are now a major mental illness worldwide. In an attempt to determine the neurobiological basis of fear and anxiety, researchers have demonstrated in animal studies that there is an innate brain system that detects and responds to threats…

Don’t Joke About Depression. It’s a Disease. It Needs to Be Cured.

When it comes to depression, many people’s minds will conjure up scenes of low mood and lack of energy to do anything. However, depression causes more than these illnesses, and may also produce physical symptoms such as decreased libido; slow…

What Can I Do to Save You, My “Mouse Hand”?

“Mouse hand” seems to be a minor problem, but if you do not pay attention to it, it will drag into a big problem, affecting normal work and life. Zhang is a designer, often day and night to catch up…

Why Athletes Fail to Perform – How to Adjust in the Face of Stress?

In the Men’s Singles Quarterfinals of the 2016 Rio Olympics Table Tennis, after the start of the match, the sleepy Zhang Jike has been in a state of confusion, resulting in the first set of the game to play abnormally….

Drink more water in summer? How can this still drink things ……

The summer heat has finally kicked off with the official start of the summer season. Many people in order to avoid heat stroke, will pay special attention to replenish water, many online fitness, health sharing post will also recommend that…

Creating Art on Stone: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to preserve the stones you brought back from your travels in an interesting way? Try drawing on rocks. You can think of it as a hobby, fun and creative. You don’t have to be a painter or have any…

The Ultimate Guide to Sketching like a Pro

Sketching refers to the stage of drawing outlines or sketches in painting creation. Sketching can be a preliminary preparation for formal creation, or it can be used to present the general appearance of an object. Whether you plan to draw…