
Exploring the Causes and Symptoms of Enteritis

Enteritis is a general term for intestinal inflammation, mainly referring to enteritis and colorectitis, which is a very common disease. According to the cause of the disease, it can be divided into infectious and non-infectious. It can have acute onset…

Everything You Need to Know About Ganglion Cysts

A ganglion cyst is a cyst formed by damage to some dense tissues on the joint capsule, ligament, or tendon sheath surrounding the tendon, resulting in fluid accumulation in the synovial cavity or local degenerative deformation. What are the symptoms…

Your Face Is like a Color Palette, So Don’t Ignore the Health Signals Your Body Is Sending You!

In traditional Peking Opera, different characters are distinguished by the color of their faces, for example, Guan Gong is red-faced, Zhang Fei is black-faced, and Dolton is blue-faced …… Even a first-time theatergoer can tell whether a character is good…

Chewable Oatmeal, Okay?

In the cereal family, oats can be called “old star”. Its protein, dietary fiber, vitamins B1, B2, minerals calcium, magnesium are really rich, whether to keep fit or control the three highs, the popularity is very high. However, if you…

Caution! “Invisible Killer” – Hyperlipidemia Don’t Take It Seriously

After getting the physical examination report, what are you most likely to overlook? If the tip of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, most people will be more nervous, will be timely specialist consultation. If the display of high blood…

Maximizing the benefits of vitamin D supplements: A guide to full absorption

If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you must consume adequate vitamin D. Fortunately, most people’s bodies are naturally capable of absorbing this necessary vitamin effectively. Vitamin D is stored in fat for a long time, and it doesn’t…

Tips for Healthy Cooking

The hardest part about healthy cooking is figuring out the overwhelming number of nutrients. Healthy cooking can prevent chronic diseases and make you more beautiful and healthier. The most critical thing is to return to whole foods, use fresh ingredients,…

Psoriasis. What Is It?

Hello friends, today we are going to get acquainted with a common skin disease – psoriasis. Why is it common? It’s not because there are small advertisements for psoriasis plastered all over the walls of telephone poles and toilets that…

Vitamin K, Which Not Only Stops Bleeding and Assists in Calcium Supplementation, But Also Inhibits Vascular Calcification

Vitamin K was first discovered by humans in 1934 and is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K activates clotting factors in the body, so when vitamin K is deficient, it can lead to bleeding disorders, which is why it has been…

Woman’s Long-Term Oral Contraceptive Pill Causes Lung Infarction? The Truth About Birth Control Pills You Must Know

Zhejiang a girl because of irregular menstruation, heard that oral contraceptive pills have the effect of regulating menstruation, began to take oral contraceptive pills, the result is surprisingly led to lung infarction. What? Birth control pills regulate menstruation? Can long-term…