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Are Scientists Biased by a Philosophical Commitment to Materialism?

Are scientists interested in simply following the evidence wherever it may lead? Or are many of them committed to interpreting the evidence according to their prior philosophical commitments? Some critics allege that a high percentage of scientists are committed to…

Professor and Clinical Psychiatrist Takes Demons Seriously

Are demons real? The Bible presents Jesus as casting out evil spirits and quite often these passages are regarded with great skepticism. Science, we are told, disproves such fantastic stories. But not all “men of science” are skeptical of such…

Intelligent Design Advocates Biased by Religion?

Intelligent Design (ID) theory is the view that biological life has all the marks of design because it is in fact designed by an intelligent mind. Exactly who this “mind” is, is something that ID is neutral about. The “mind”…

Are Scientists Always Dispassionate Searchers for Truth?

Can scientists be trusted to provide bias-free statements, especially when it comes to the implications of science on religion? In many ways, scientists are dispassionate and objective in their search for truth. The process of peer-review and critical inquiry makes…

Middle Ages Were Not “Dark Ages”

Was the European Medieval Period really a “dark age” that retarded the growth of science? This assertion is rejected by historians of science, yet it is commonly made on the internet and often as part of criticism of Christianity. In…

Rebuke of Inflated Claims Concerning Origin of Life

Intelligent Design (ID) theory is the view that living things have the appearance of being designed because they are, in fact, designed by an intelligent mind(s). Who (or what) that mind is, is something that ID is agnostic about. The…

Skeptic of Religion Promoted Scientific Racism

Atheists, such as the late Christopher Hitchens, have argued that “religion poisons everything.” Religion, he claimed, made the world worse, not better. If only people would abandon religion and champion science, so the thinking went, humanity could flourish to a…

Scientists Have Faith?

It is not uncommon for people to pit faith against science; as if the two are on opposite ends of a spectrum. Faith is put on the irrational side and science is put on the rational side. But that doesn’t…

PBS’ “Cosmos” Series Distorts Facts About History of Science

Neil deGrasse Tyson is the host of a popular science series called Cosmos which is considered an updated version of the original documentary series featuring Carl Sagan. And, just as the original series promoted not only science, but also a…

Atheists Engage in Circular Reasoning When Invoking Science

Do atheists ever engage in circular reasoning? They certainly do and they do it quite often. One of the most common claims of the New Atheists is that science proves that all religions are wrong. Yet as the New Atheists…