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Should Science Exclude the Supernatural?

One of the ground rules of science, espoused by agencies such as the National Academy of Sciences, is that scientists cannot appeal to any supernatural causes in their scientific work. This is often presented as one of the key distinguishing…

Historian of Science & Religion Explains “Greatest Myth”

People commonly believe that science and Christianity have been perpetually at war with each other. That, however, is not what the vast majority of historians believe. Historians recognize that there has been some limited conflict but that these episodes (e.g….

Limits to What Science Can Tell Us

Many atheist-scientists think there are virtually no limits to what science can answer. However other scientists, such as Dr. George Ellis, disagree. As a world-renowned scientist who specializes in cosmology, Ellis has great respect and enthusiasm for the pursuit of…

Science Cannot Follow Evidence Wherever it Leads

Does science disprove the existence of God, souls, spirits, and the supernatural? The problem with answering this claim in the affirmative is that science, as it is currently defined, cannot acknowledge any evidence for the supernatural. This is because scientists…

Scientists Become Atheists Because They Study Science?

Elaine Howard Ecklund, a sociologist at Rice University, has done extensive research on how the study of science affects the worldview of scientists. Her research is based on a survey of 1,646 scientists at 21 elite research universities and in-depth…

Close Relationship Between Science and Philosophy

Dr. Lawrence Krauss, a respected scientist and outspoken atheist, has spent considerable time decrying the value of philosophy. He is fond of making claims that praise science but denigrate philosophy. One thing to note about this view is that it…

Conflict View of Science and Christianity is Myth

Have science and religion been perpetually at war with each other? This view of the relationship between science and religion, known as the “warfare” or “conflict” view, is commonly accepted by the general public. And part of this commonly accepted…

Galileo’s Complex Relationship to Science and Religion

Has science proven that Christianity is wrong? Many people think so and they claim that religion has been hostile to the advancement of science for hundreds of years. One frequently cited example is the confrontation between Galileo Galilei and the…

Stephen Hawking Got Philosophy of Science Wrong

In his book The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking stated that “philosophy is dead” because it “has not kept up with modern developments in science.” This is ironic because Hawking spent a great deal of the book philosophizing and, unfortunately, doing…

Navigating the opportunities and risks of solar irrigation: The importance of comprehensive accounting and smart regulations

Solar-powered groundwater irrigation is growing quickly in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Over the last ten years, South Asia has seen the installation of more than 500,000 small standalone pumps, while in Sub-Saharan Africa, solar pumps are becoming a crucial…